Target large segments of
your market by giving them a useful tool they will keep!
Plastic sports
calendar cards: Formula 1, Nascar, Local baseball, football, basketball,
soccer team etc.
Plastic special events
calendar: Summer activities, festivals in your town.
Plastic traditional
calendar cards: 12 month calendars
Plastic rate cards and
charts: Mortgage rates, exchange rates etc.
Plastic game cards:
Poker cards (showing order of hands) and other reference cards for any kind
of game.
Plastic phone
directory cards: Important telephone numbers in your home town, on the
military base, shopping mall etc.
Simply keep a portion of
the card to advertise for your business information and you have a long term
advertisement in your client's pockets! Such plastic cards are rarely kept
in paper format because they simply don't last like plastic... and they
don't look as nice as plastic cards either!
Sports calendar card sample
Directory plastic card sample
Related searches: Plastic calendar cards,
plastic directory cards, plastic rate cards,
plastic game cards,
plastic reference cards.