Plastic key cards
are more than just a way to open a door to a hotel or resort room, they
are a marketing tool which allows repeated viewing of an advertisement for
your brand, offer or event.
Almost anything can be advertised... pizza
delivery, hotel / casino / resort, limo service, movie, tradeshow,
sporting event, convention etc. The card can also be used as a discount
card offering discounts at shops surrounding the
hotel/establishment where the card holder is staying.
Do you have a product or service that people who visit your city would be
interested in? Would you like to get local hotels to refer each and every
one of their guests to you? Well, it's not that difficult to do.
Businesses of all types that want to reach hotel guests are utilizing
valuable advertising space on the front and back of hotel plastic key cards.
Examples include food and beverage operations... Steakhouses, pizza
restaurants and other take out places, malls, large retailers and shopping
centers are among the many. Also, most trade organizers will also offer
advertising opportunities on key cards for many hotels surrounding their
How do you do it? Hotels
that utilize key cards are looking for free plastic keycards, so all you
would have to do is offer it to them... of course, with your advertisement
on them! Guests will see your advertisements 6-8 times a day during their
stay (in a 75 room hotel, your ad will be seen almost 200,000 times a year),
and in many cases, guests will keep the plastic key cards as souvenirs, thus
prolonging their contact with your brand!
Andreoni can offer you superior plastic key cards that will give you
everything needed to make your offer a perfect one. Award winning designs,
full range of "extra" features on cards and encoding for magnetic stripes at
no extra cost.
As you are aware, many guests in your hotel or resort will keep their
plastic key cards as souvenirs, or will simply keep them in their pockets
and forget to give them back. This is not a bad thing as they'll remind
guests of the great time they had at the hotel!... but make sure they
have a great looking key card to keep, or else, it will eventually go in the
A plastic key card from your hotel should
have a beautiful design with pictures of your best rooms, garden, dining
area, gym etc. on the front. All useful information and
contact information on the back, this way they'll always know how to reach
you when they remember what a great time they had while staying at your
hotel / resort. Trust Andreoni to supply you with plastic cards which are
more than just plain, white, one color, boring key cards... trust Andreoni
to supply you with a beautiful, effective, long lasting marketing tool with
superior design and printing.
Related searches: Custom hotel key cards, hotel key
card for advertising, magnetic key cards, key card envelopes, hotel motel
key cards, plastic key tag cards, plastic numbered cards, plastic
key card printing, plastic key card design, plastic key card printer.