The Top 5
Reasons to Implement a Plastic Card Program in Business
By Charlie Bennot
The plastic card is a powerful sales and promotion tool for UK business
owners. Besides credit cards, there are plastic discount cards, plastic
membership cards and other types of plastic cards that business owners
offer to their customers. Here's some basic information about implementing
a plastic card program in your business.
Reason #1: Targeted Campaigns and Promotions
The information your business collects from customers' plastic cards
allows you to fine-tune your services and products for specific segments
or groups of customers. Although some customers feel that a printed
plastic card collects too much information and can potentially compromise
their personal data, many other customers welcome these and other types of
membership cards because of the "perks," discounts and privileges attached
to their use.
Reason #2: Reduced Advertising and Marketing Costs
If you institute a plastic loyalty card or discount card, you're likely to
experience reduced advertising and marketing costs because when customers
possess such a card, they believe that they receive better deals from you
than from competitors who do not offer a card. This encourages them to
visit your business without having to be constantly motivated by costly
Reason #3: Increased Repeat Business
When you have a membership card or other type of card program, you're
likely to find an increase in repeat business because the card makes
customers feel savvy and special. They perceive that they are receiving
benefits and discounts not available to customers who do not have a PVC
plastic card from your business.
Reason #4: Improved Feedback and Analytics
While in its simplest form, a custom plastic card for can simply have a
unique number on it, more tangible benefits will accrue if the card
contains a magnetic strip or barcode. This will enable you to assess the
success of sales and promotions and track customers' spending habits.
Reason #5: Increased Customer Retention and Customer Value
According to Fred Reichheld, a highly regarded authority on
loyalty-oriented business strategies, if you increase your customer
retention rate by just 5%, you stand to gain 75% in customer value.
Reichheld cites an array of other benefits, including increasing sales
from your existing customer base, identifying problems earlier and
improving profitability.
Plastic card programs have proven track records in virtually every market
segment in the UK. Why not discover how a low-cost, high-value hard
plastic card promotion can help you increase customer loyalty, sales and
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printing, news and articles about printing.