Use Your Chance
to Make a Good Impression With Your Business Cards
By Susan Leigh
The first impression that people form about any situation is often a
lasting one. Whether a person picks up a business card out of interest, or
is given one by its owner or as a recommendation, the impression formed
will be instantaneous. Make sure that it is the impression that you want
them to have.
These day, many people find that they are increasingly having to rely on
quality suppliers to support them in their businesses. Much more niche
work is being outsourced to suppliers rather than retained as an in house
overhead. The information on a business card can be crucial to helping a
potential client decide to pick you.
Also people tend to keep business cards long after other literature has
been discarded. So having a good brand identity, reinforced over time and
throughout all your literature helps to build a strong recognition of you,
your business and what you have to offer.
Take time to evaluate your business cards regularly. Are they conveying
the right message about you and your skills, services or products? Is the
market place still the same as when you originally purchased them or do
they need a rethink? It can be too easy to just keep re-ordering the same
cards, but a change or even a re-branding exercise can inject a new lease
of life into a business and remind existing customers of all you have to
offer. A new card with different presentation and wording may well
introduce you to new or different customers by appealing to a more diverse
range of people. Company branding can evolve too; by being slightly
modified it can present the whole business in a more dynamic, innovative
As a business coach, I regularly advise my business clients to pretend to
be their own client. What does their business card say to them? What type
of organization does it represent.
- Does it present a sophisticated, smart high end type of business. Using
good quality card, maybe a simple design, effective graphics and embossed
print can project a quality impression, a strong brand identity. Having
the key information on the front of the card and using the back for simple
bullet points of core goods and services is a valuable way to reinforce
that impression.
- Some businesses want to appeal to many people, but still keep the
impression of being middle range, not too cheap or too expensive. There
are many quirky designs, styles, sizes and shapes of business cards that
can convey this type of message.
- Cheap and cheerful business with a fast moving, inexpensive product base
can be conveyed by using bright design, lots of information, less
expensive card. These cards can be fun and eye catching to promote a rapid
response and a quick sale.
The style and branding is important. Keeping a theme throughout all your
corporate literature is important. This can be a logo, a color scheme, a
catch phrase. The continuity helps to build a brand identity that is
recognizable as part of your business. Using a good graphic designer as
well as a reputable printer helps to build that identity in a positive way
as well as give advice so that it can evolve appropriately over time.
Related searches: business card news, business card articles,
printing articles, printing news, news about business cards, news about
printing, news and articles about printing.