Business Cards
- Effective Networking Tool
By Deshea R Witcher
Are you looking for a job? Are you currently running your business? Then
your business cards are vital for marketing whatever skills/services you
render. And even in cases when you are looking for a job, you got to
develop your mindset for running a business of your own. Here are a couple
of proven tactics for using your cards for increasing your chances of
safely landing a job or coming up with an overall successful business
Never ever leave home without your cards. Before you leave home, you
should make a checklist of what you have to take with you and what not. If
the business cards are in your checklist, you just can't have them left
The whole idea here would be like- "I've got my wallet, money, keys,
driver's license and cards". If there is any chance at all of meeting an
opportunity of giving out your business card, you should use it.
Would you believe that your morning run or your quick tour to the local
pack might also bring some opportunities for networking? The wife and
husband should always inquire of each other regarding whether or not they
have their 'business cards'. This needs to be inquired before they leave
their homes. You have to make it your habit to take your business cards
here and there - wherever you go.
Again, while mailing your bill payments, do insert your card. In most of
the cases, bills come with advertisements. What is the reason you can't
advertise whatever skills/services you have to offer? Just insert your
business card along with the payment you have to make.
You might not even imagine how a guy in North Carolina opens the bill
payment envelope may help you. And do not underestimate the influence of
networking. Some people have drawn attention to a movie, which is entitled
as 'Six Degrees of Separation' effectively points out how six people in
separate locations got to know somebody of influence.
You might actually be just 6 guys away from getting to know a senator in
your state. And you might be astonished to realize that you are just 7 or
8 people away from an admired celebrity or somebody who is well in
position to get you hired for the skills/services you have. Each of us
knows someone. And the people we know are known to other people. Thus, you
never know how far you could get through this networking thread.
And be sure to utilize appropriate etiquette on your business card. When
you offer someone any business card, ask whether you can get one too from
him or her. When you're giving a card by someone, it's not right to just
grabbing it and then placing it inside your pocket. This will make the
giver feel humiliated. Rather, you have to make the guy feel significantly
important by having one look at the card (at least for a couple of
Related searches: business card news, business card articles,
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printing, news and articles about printing.