Lenticular images combine digitally interlaced printed or photographic image
with rows of optical grade lenses. These interlaced images, printed directly
to the back of the lens, focus light on different strips of the surface and
magnifies whatever image is there. Viewing the image from different angles –
by moving – creates the desired illusion.
Lenticular graphics can be described as specialized images which when
viewed under certain circumstances will produce 3-D or animated sequences.
The technology of this product consists of two main elements-a specially
prepared (interlaced) image that contains data from two or more graphics which
is placed in precise alignment with a lenticular lens. The lenticular lens
isolates, magnifies, and displays the image data from each individual
graphic according to the angle of observation(Ill.1). Bearing these points
in mind, we can begin to understand how the 3-D and animated effects are

Perception of depth in humans is due to the fact that we have two eyes
offset from each other which view our environment from two slightly
different perspectives. Our brains subconsciously converge these two views
such that the differences in the spatial relationships of the objects viewed
give us the perception of depth. There are several stereoscopic technologies
that give the effect of depth, however, most suffer from the limitation of
requiring special glasses to isolate the left and right eye perspective
views. Lenticular graphics have the benefit of not requiring specialized
glasses to perceive depth.
Referring back to the first paragraph, a lenticular lens isolates,
magnifies, and displays a single graphic image according to the angle of
observation. If the lenticular lens is oriented perpendicular to the axis of
the eyes (i.e.lenticules running vertically or from top to bottom) each eye
will view the lenticular lens from slightly different angles. If the
multiple graphics interlaced to create the lenticular image are perspective
views of an object or scene, they can be arranged such that the left and
right perspectives are displayed to their respective eyes giving the viewer
the illusion of depth without the need for special glasses.
Upon understanding the concepts involved in lenticular 3-D, understanding
flip, morph, and full motion lenticular animation is a simple matter. If the
lenticular lens is rotated so that the lenticules are oriented parallel to
the axis of the eyes(i.e. running horizontally or from left to right) both
eyes view the lenticular lens from the same angle of observation. Simply, a
single graphic is viewed by both eyes. If the lenticular image is tilted in
an up/down direction, the angle of observation changes and the interlaced
graphics can be viewed in sequence. It is advisable that lenticular
animations, especially handheld images, be oriented in this manner so as to
avoid the left and right eyes viewing separate graphic elements. This will
minimize observing a latent secondary image commonly referred to as
Various effects that can be created with lenticular printing. Including
3D, Image "flipping", motion, morphing and animation.
- is an effect used to show up to 2-5 distinct images, one after the other.
Although the most basic out of all the lenticular effects, flips can also be
the most dramatic! Sell multiple products, make the piece bi or tri-lingual
or simply induce a second look. The basic "flip" has two images printed on
the same page, but we can go up to a 4 image flip. |
3D - allows the transformation of the two-dimensional
reference of your choice into a multi-layer three-dimensional image.
Photogram also has perfected and uniquely offers wire-frame 3-D. Lenticular
effects using 3D depth images utilize the Parallax theory. Our brain
compares the different views from our right and left eyes, processes the
data, and creates what we see as a three dimensional world. This effect can
be achieved with a 3D photo shoot or by simply supplying each element on a
separate layer. Quench your thirst with the realistic cup art of swimming
with the fish! |
- based on a single photographic image it is the action of having an object
moving closer or further away. Lenticular images appear to "leap out" at the
viewer by combining multiple sizes of the same image and merging them
quickly together, gradually increasing in size. Lenticular zooms are
extremely effective for logo recognition and elements you want to put
emphasis on. This airline's message is coming into a smooth landing with
this lenticular marketing piece! |
Motion Effect
- Lenticular utilizing animated images are glorified flip images. The
background image may remain constant, while the objects which appear to be
moving, will be printed at different positions. Imagine the effectiveness of
representing a video action sequence or product demonstration on your next
marketing piece! Watch as this NASCAR gift card races to be noticed while
you wait to be checked out! |
- the complete transformation of an image, melting into another. Create the
perception that two or more images seamlessly transform into each other
before the observer's eyes. This is a valuable lenticular effect for
products that come in a variety of shapes, styles or colors, or for products
that change or cause changes. Look how the lenticular morph effect
demonstrates the convenience and uniqueness of this product! |
Animation -
either based on video material or simulated by interlacing the required
number of images, the result is realistic fluid motion of an object. |
To order
lenticular business cards:
To order lenticular
cards you must either provide separate high resolution image files (300
dpi) or a high resolution PSD or AI file with all layers available for
editing. If you send up "flattened" images, make sure all images have been
setup for the effect you are looking for.
you have questions regarding lenticular cards, please submit your
inquiry and/or
questions using our
contact form.
Related searches: Lenticular card design, lenticular Business Card
design, lenticular Postcard
3D business card
design, 3D
postcard design, Holographic
business card design, Holographic
postcard design.